2. Home
This is the main page where your vessel monitoring starts from.
New or Search Vessel: You can start creating and monitoring the new voyage
2. Voyage Manager: Choose the vessel on your vessel list and click to open Voyage Manager
3. Show Selected Voyage Only: The voyage selected only will be shown on the map instead of all the voyages
4. Auto Captain Report: You can send link of captain report by email or go to Captain Reporter to edit.
Only own standard voyage can use.

New or Search Vessel: You can start creating and monitoring the new voyage
2. Voyage Manager: Choose the vessel on your vessel list and click to open Voyage Manager
3. Show Selected Voyage Only: The voyage selected only will be shown on the map instead of all the voyages
4. Auto Captain Report: You can send link of captain report by email or go to Captain Reporter to edit.
Only own standard voyage can use.